Lightarian Reiki™ Training
Lightarian Reiki™ offers the most powerful, highest vibrational Reiki healing energies available! Lightarian Reiki™ uniquely prepares you to deliver a broader spectrum of healing energies by extending the vibrational range of Reiki beyond Usui-based and Karuna Reiki® modalities.
About The Course
Inspired by Ascended Master Buddha, Lightarian Reiki™ has been brought forth now to accelerate the healing process for humanity, focusing on expanding your abilities as a Reiki Teacher/Practitioner to channel healing energies of a higher vibrational nature for the benefit of others. The following information is sourced from the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation.
Through your enhanced and expanded attunement connection with Ascended Master Buddha, you will also personally benefit in your own healing raising your personal vibration as you step through the four levels of the Lightarian Reiki program.
The inspiration and development of Lightarian Reiki began in 1997 via connections with the highest energies of Master Buddha. His intentions were, and still are, to stimulate self-empowerment of the teacher by keeping the attunement and healing process simple...therefore, no new symbols are used in Lightarian Reiki. Through intention rather than symbols, the teacher is encouraged to more effectively access the highest vibrational energies of Master Buddha while also tapping into his/her own inner power (Higher Self connection). The simple techniques of Lightarian Reiki allow the teacher to deliver the highest available healing energies to clients and to provide powerful and effective trainings and attunements to students.
The Vibrational Bands of Reiki:
From Ascended Master Buddha, we have learned that there are a total of eight vibrational bands for the Reiki energy spectrum, with Lightarian Reiki occupying the six highest bands...
First Band >>> Usui-based Reiki. These vibrational frequencies create the foundation for all Reiki energy work. After one is attuned to the Usui levels and works with those energies for awhile, an individual may feel compelled to move beyond this introductory accelerate his/her pace of spiritual growth and the raising of personal vibration.
Second Band >>>Karuna Reiki® As the individual feels motivated to continue to expand within Reiki, one can enter the second band of the spectrum occupied by Karuna Reiki and the Lightarian Buddhic Boost (details below).
Third to Eighth Bands >>> Lightarian™ Reiki Beyond the second band, there are six additional higher bands of Reiki energy, called Lightarian Reiki, which offer the most powerful healing energies available from Master Buddha.
Lightarian Reiki Levels
Level I & II: The majority of the principles of Lightarian Reiki are taught and your initial Lightarian attunement with Ascended Master Buddha is delivered at this level. This first training/attunement prepares you vibrationally to receive the attunements in the three higher levels.
Levels III, IV and V&VI: After receiving Lightarian Reiki I & II, the three advanced attunements progressively "step up" your energies into higher vibrational levels within the Reiki spectrum, connecting you into higher aspects of the Buddhic healing energies. Also, during each of the advanced attunements, an introduction and permanent connection is made with a different supportive celestial energy to enhance the healing process. These etheric beings have their energetic specialties and make unique contributions to the sessions.