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Siddha Kundalini Healing

This is a unique and extraordinary healing system. The combination of Kundalini and Sanjaveeni Shakti energies channeled by the operator, combined with the power of the crystal mandala, create an unprecedented, multilayered healing effect which bypasses all the limits of physical reality and brings profound purification, harmony and balance at all levels.

How does it work?

Siddha Kundalini Healing is a unique and extraordinary healing system that combines ancient yogic, tantric and shamanic practices.

It brings profound healing on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

By tapping into the root cause of the issue, it balances, purifies and brings harmony. Using the ancient technology of Crystal Mandala (crystals, sacred geometries...) this modality of healing connects to higher dimensions and bypasses the limitation of physical reality.

The channeling of the divine feminine energies Kundalini Shakti and Sanjaveeni Shakti by the operator, blends with the power of the Crystal Mandala and brings a multilayered healing effect, which will also reflect in all life's aspects of the receiver.

Kerry, UK

I had a Kundalini Healing Session with Talete this week and it really helped to support me through a difficult transition. During the session I was able to reach a deep, euphoric space and feel completely relaxed. I  also felt a big, dramatic shift in my energy which felt very cleansing. In the days afterwards I was much more relaxed and was able to break free from a toxic cycle I had been in for many weeks before the session. I felt more free and clear to move forward and found a lot of peace in the coming ways.

This is my second session with Tal, it's been many years since the last one, but they were both very powerful and provided good support for me.

What can Siddha Kundalini Healing help with:

  • Creating new pathways for self-expression and anything that wants to emerge in you that supports your inner-sense of power;

  • Supporting you to cultivate and harness your infinite power to manifest, heal and transform your reality, so you can become unstuck and create momentum to move towards the changes you wish to make;

  • Clearing and transmuting energies and emotions that may interfere with self-power and self-love;

  • To deeply purify your energy field, channels and energetic pathways for greater radiance and vitality.

  • Removing dis-eased energies, unwanted entities, astral parasites, etheric implants and anything else in your field that is interfering with your optimal energetic state.

  • Creating a balanced and harmonious state of being for a better and good health, including increasing physical and mental energy, and grounding your energy for stability.

  • Connecting you with higher aspects of Self for more clarity, insights and grace.

  • Setting up the best atmosphere/environment for you prioritise self-care;

  • Expanding your mind and consciousness beyond the limitations of what you have been told is possible for you; 

  • Gaining awareness to deeper understand yourself and to make healthier choices;

  • Starting to learn through personal experience the importance of energy healing;

  • Supporting fruitful and positive life patterns on the planet for greater collective healing and unity.


All sessions are remote unless prior arrangement is made with Talete for in-person sessions. If you prefer in-person sessions, Talete is currently located between Derby & London (UK) and North Italy. Please contact him using the form below to inquire about this possibility.



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What A Typical Session Looks Like:


Drop In and Sharing

We have an initial chat on screen which allows us to identify your presenting issue(s) and we co-create a relaxing space for you to feel able to open up to what will serve you best.


Mind/Body Practices

There will be mind/body practices that are aligned with your needs to support the healing process. This will be guided so you know what expect.


Time to relax and receive Siddha Kundalini Healing

The healing energies are channeled and sent to you in service of your healing and what you most need.​​​​​


Completion of Session

We check-in and there is space for a little sharing and discussion around integration and after-care if needed


Session Options & Prices

60 minutes £85 - 4 Sessions Package £260

If you desire a more held and supported empowerment journey, check out the Foundations Mentorship  here.


All sessions are remote unless prior arrangement is made with Talete for in-person sessions. If you prefer in-person sessions, Talete is currently located between Derby & London (UK) and North Italy. Please contact him using the form below to inquire about this possibility.

​​Once you purchase your session or package, Talete will contact you by email to arrange your session(s) with you.


Please note: When working with and/or receiving energy healing, at times you may experience a cleansing in your system which may lead to some detoxification symptoms which is a natural and positive response. If you have any concerns, please reach out for clarity.


These healing sessions are here to support your healing path but are NOT replacements for psychiatric treatment and do not claim to be a primary treatment for any existing mental or physical health condition.

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